The Elder Scrolls Online
With The Elder Scrolls® Online, the team brings new and exciting adventures online to the world of Tamriel. Since its launch in 2014, ESO has won MMO of the Year three times and now boasts over 18 million players. You can learn more about The Elder Scrolls® Online on its official website. In ESO's latest Chapter, The Elder Scrolls Online®: Blackwood, players contend with the machinations of Mehrunes Dagon, the Daedric Prince of Destruction.
Kickass New Projects
We're hard at work on ZENIMAX ONLINE STUDIOS products across many different platforms, including a brand-new AAA IP! We don't have anything to share on these new projects right now, but keep an eye out for announcements and more in the future.

'The Elder Scrolls Online's new Greymoor expansion offers a strongly nostalgic return to the northwestern corner of Skyrim.'

'Western Skyrim and Blackreach are magnificent to behold.'
'Greymoor looks to be another massive add-on for ESO, the MMO that just keeps on growing.'

'This Chapter might be the most beautiful work ever done by ZeniMax'

'The Elder Scrolls Online is one of the best story-oriented MMOs on the market.'
Join a great team and start your massively multiplayer career with us!
ZENIMAX ONLINE STUDIOS is hiring for The Elder Scrolls® Online and an all-new AAA project. If you have a desire to make great games and wish to join a diverse, growing studio, check out our Careers page to see if there’s a role for you. Welcome to ZOS!